Type 2 Diabetes and CKD

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  • Author
    • #29444
      Faucy B

      The Essentials Clinical Resource Tool (Annual)

      What are the barriers patients living with diabetes face most frequently when managing CKD?

    • #31193
      Annabelle Bittle

      The Essentials Clinical Resource Tool (Annual)

      Lifestyle and motivation to improve health
      cost of medications

    • #31194

      Diabetes Education

      patients do not realize importance of good bp and hba1c control.

    • #31195

      Diabetes Education

      adding more medications.

    • #31196

      Diabetes Education

      importance of good bs control.

    • #31226
      Veronica Tooley

      Diabetes Education

      Patients can have long standing history of undiagnosed hyperteinsion and diabetes before they seek treatment. It can sometimes take a greater amount of time to get the patient to “buy in” on the importance of good control of blood pressure and glucose control in order to best manage the progression of their kidney disease.

    • #31240
      Kyla Aben

      Diabetes Education

      The importance of regular follow up with health care team, BP monitoring/control, Glycemic monitoring(A1C)/control and making lifestyle modifications. Clients are often reluctant to add more medications to their regimen and changing focus from blood sugars control to possible kidney protection benefits, as adding more medications often causes clients to feel that they “failing” at controlling their blood glucose levels but there can be multiple benefits to making change. Clients have expressed that they feel that their HCP is constantly making medication changes and that they feel these changes are arbitrary, they often do not get the full information before a change is made for them, without their consult.

    • #31244
      Linda Kelland

      Diabetes Education

      Patients unaware of the changes in the guidelines from Diabetes Canada and that there are newer classes of diabetic medications that not only decrease blood glucose, but have cardiorenal benefits. Convincing patients to change their existing therapy that may be controlling their blood glucose, but not providing cardiorenal benefits can be difficult at times. The costs of the GLP1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors can be a barrier for some patients.

    • #31257
      Lauren Xiaolin Deng

      Diabetes Education

      Many of my patients resist to add additional medications due to a common health belief that drugs also cause kidney damage in the long run.

    • #31326
      Marlena Morrison

      Diabetes Education

      Barriers to starting an SGLT2i include side effects associated with the medication. I find women in particular, who have a history of UTI or yeast infection, can be reluctant to start the medication or have sometimes had a poor experience with starting an SGLT2i in the past

    • #31384
      Ana Neves

      Diabetes Education

      Lack of resources, health care support, accessibility, knowledge and ability to comprehend the importance of care

    • #31443
      Venugopal Namulla

      Diabetes Education

      cost of meds, understanding the importance of any treatment changes

    • #31463

      The Essentials Clinical Resource Tool (Annual)

      For those who don’t have drug coverage. Cost of medication is a big factor.

    • #32462
      Lisa Holowaty

      Diabetes Education

      Perhaps not feeling well and not managing lifestyle and nutritional guidelines. The burden of having to take multiple medications. There may also be an issue of obtaining medications due to cost or transportation issues to get them. Also maintaining consistent healthcare follow-up due to the burden of regular GP visits and bloodwork, which also entails making appointments and having reliable transportation.

    • #32495
      Mary Josette Sungcang

      Diabetes Education

      Benefits of a healthy balance diet and how ntermittent fasting. can impact in lowering BS and kidney function.

    • #32531
      Yaser Dyyat

      Diabetes Education

      When it comes to side effects of medications such as SGLT2 inh or GLP1 agonist, its important to explain concept of benefit of the med as per clinical trials as opposed to potential risks, many read online about meds and reluctant to use meds prescribed..

    • #32601
      Fariha Kibria

      Diabetes Education

      Lack of knowledge, about the importance of adherence

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