Managing diabetes in distinct populations

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  • Author
    • #29447
      Faucy B

      The Essentials Clinical Resource Tool (Annual)

      What are your biggest challenges to diabetes management post pandemic?

    • #31230
      Aleena Hildebrand

      Diabetes Education

      Costs associated with medications, drugs requiring applications for coverage, explaining how the coverages work is time consuming.

    • #31327
      Marlena Morrison

      Diabetes Education

      Patients with increased frailty and cognitive concerns, patients who have not been seen in person post pandemic and still decline in person visits or getting repeat bloodwork compelted.

    • #31368
      alyssa favret

      Diabetes Education

      trying to get clients back on track with DM mgmt.. If they haven’t been seen often during the pandemic, usually glucose is running higher and there are a few concerns the client has to be addressed.

    • #31369
      alyssa favret

      Diabetes Education

      trying to get clients back on track with DM mgmt.. If they haven’t been seen often during the pandemic, usually glucose is running higher and there are a few concerns the client has to be addressed.

    • #31405
      Idia Umolu

      The challenge some clients face regarding using GLP-1ra for diabetes management and weight loss is the lack of drug coverage. Affordabilty is a problem for some client

    • #31418
      Julie Douville

      Diabetes Education

      Lack of staff in clinics and clients that have been lost to follow-up and aren’t solicitating appointments

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