Diet and Antihyperglycemic Agents

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 1 week ago by Mary Josette Sungcang.
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  • Author
    • #31254
      Linda Mireku

      Diabetes Education

      How could you individualize antihyperglycemic agents in low income clients who find diet modifications challenging?

    • #31331
      Ana Neves

      Diabetes Education

      They go very hand in hand. Quite possibly it is more the individualization of diet modification and exercise that needs to be addressed. Many people do not know what they enjoy in terms of physical activity, and everyone has differing cultures and ideals of healthy and sustainable eating.

    • #31374
      Janet Wilpstra

      Diabetes Education

      Challenging question! Especially in light of the recent rise in cost of healthy food and most of the inexpensive diabetes medication choices can cause weight gain.
      Recommend finding Good Food Boxes, community gardens, community kitchens, walking programs, free PA programs
      Metformin is relatively inexpensive and neutral regarding weight.
      Use compassionate programs that are available for antihyperglycemic agents
      Sometimes community clubs (Lion’s club for eg) will help support if there is a need

    • #31422
      Roshni John

      Diabetes Education

      Given the rise in the cost of living including food, patients may find it challenging and compromise with food intake (quality, type, and quantity) which could spell trouble for a patient with diabetes. AHAs that are lower in cost like metformin could be the starting point. If further pharmacotherapy is needed to lower HbA1C, some samples could be provided if available, and compassionate care programs could be tapped into, where available in the long-term.
      Certain food items available at food banks, community/ soup kitchens, websites like, etc may help.

    • #32505
      Mary Josette Sungcang

      Diabetes Education

      Great ainformation & advice!

      Thank you!

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